Friday, September 23, 2016

Transactions details


Dear zarinazainuddin.adam, this is from the bank with reference to your email yesterday.
As you requested, attached is the scan of all the transactions your account made in September 2016.

Please let us know if you need further assistance.

Justin Franks
Credit Controller
Tel.: (509) 203 35 56

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Package #DH7800980


Dear zarinazainuddin.adam,

The package #DH7800980 you ordered has arrived today. There is some confusion in the address you provided.

Please review the address in the attached order form and confirm to us. We will deliver as soon as we receive your reply.

Maximo Leonard
DHL Express Support

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Monday, September 19, 2016

Express Parcel service


Dear zarinazainuddin.adam, we have sent your parcel by Express Parcel service.

The attachment includes the date and time of the arrival and the lists of the items you ordered. Please check them.

Thank you.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Suspected Purchases


Dear zarinazainuddin.adam,

We have suspected irregular purchases from the company's account.
Please take a look at the attached account balance to see the purchase history.

Best Regards,
Dino Fowler
Support Manager

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Monday, September 5, 2016



Hi zarinazainuddin.adam, Joanna told me you have lost some of the last few months' utility bills.
So, I am sending to you the copies saved in my computer. Let me know if I sent the right receipts.

Best Regards,
Sharlene Wilson

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